It’s the final week of Summer Rising and, at CASW, that can only mean one thing: Our annual trip to Quassy Amusement Park! Each year, all of our sites get together and make the trip to Connecticut; the entire experience is truly one big reunion, most staff and administration attend and participants’ families are also encouraged to join. The past seven weeks have been filled with unforgettable experiences and this final trip is no different!

The Joy of Reuniting at Quassy Amusement Park
Our summer programs are definitely about learning; during the school year, many of our services focus on educational value, whether it’s academic, cultural, social, or professional. However, summer is the season of cutting loose and as such, we believe that there’s much to learn in an environment that is different from the classroom. The Quassy trip is more than just a celebration; it’s also an opportunity for participants (and our staff!) to bond and learn more about one another. Through rides, boardwalk games, and water slides, everyone has the opportunity to see each other in a context that is different from day-to-day. This goes a long way in forging new friendships and creating a community spirit.

Reflecting on a Summer of Growth and Achievement
As we’ve mentioned in past publications, summer is a special time at CASW. It truly is a very busy season for us, but these seven weeks usually put the impact of our work intro perspective. In such a short period of time, we get to know our participants and we actually see them grow over the course of one summer. The days are certainly long, but we’re always shocked by how the weeks fly by. Of course, this amazing process is only made possible through our dedicated staff and partners.
Who knows what the future summers will hold?