There is a reason why many call baking both an art and a science – it is a practice which requires both creative vision and precision. In order to make a cake, you can’t only focus on its final presentation, but also on the precision of the recipe, otherwise, the slightest mistake can result in something completely different!

CASW-Cornerstone’s Impressive Baking Accomplishments
This makes the accomplishments of our CASW-Cornerstone participants at Bronx River Community Center all the more impressive, not only are they committed to producing confectionery creations on a regular basis, but they’ve recently managed to bake dozens of cupcakes – which is more than enough to share with other members of their community!
The Baking Club: Passion Meets Practice
This latest development is the work of the baking club – a coalition of participants that meet every Friday to practice their passion for culinary art. This is part of a larger initiative within the program where participants engage in self-selected learning – usually, they’re given the choice from an array of clubs/activities – such as sports, video games, dance, etc. The initiative is one way of enacting DYCD’s action model, which seeks to encourage young people’s empowerment through civic engagement and positive development.

Spreading Joy and Building Community
Of course, once they were done, participants shared the joy by distributing the cupcakes amongst their peers – an action which reflects a value innate to us at CASW, which is cultivating camaraderie and community spirit!