Since earlier in the school year, our participants at PS 115 have been hard at work as a part of the Photography Club, and summertime is no different. These young shutterbugs have been learning the finer tricks to taking photos – such as composition and style – and are on their way to becoming seasoned photographers in their own right. The students are now at the stage where they know their way around a camera – and are pretty comfortable taking their snapshots of daily life!
The Importance of Creative Outlets for Elementary Students
It’s no secret that encouraging artistic expression in elementary school students is ultimately beneficial – allowing students these sorts of creative outlets leads to innovation and discovery, as they use their imaginations and develop independent opinions. However, on an even deeper level, creative expression also provides a medium for children to express their thoughts and feelings – which can only nurture their mental and emotional health [1]. A medium like photography is just as much about technical skills as it is creativity, and allowing students to capture their own perspectives through a process of trial and error will help them to develop self-efficacy and also hand-eye coordination.

Capturing Everyday Moments
Truthfully, it has been a pleasure to witness our participants learning these new skills – and also seeing the end result: these beautiful snapshots of the world through their eyes. Their excitement to get out there and explore the school and local neighborhood is truly admirable, and has the potential to teach all of us a lesson on finding beauty in ordinary life!
[1] PBS. (2003). “Creativity and Play: Fostering Creativity.” The Whole Child.