Butterflies are symbolic of change, nature, and of course, possibilities. The life cycle of these insects have captivated the human imagination since the dawn of time, and it’s no wonder; a butterfly emerging from its cocoon is credited as nothing short of a small miracle. As part of this summer’s PBL theme, “The Circle of Life – Life Cycles,” our Summer Rising participants at Dyckman Community Center and PS 18 have been raising caterpillars. This past week, they’ve reached a long-awaited milestone – these fuzzy creatures have emerged from their cocoons in the form of beautiful butterflies!

The Educational Purpose of Raising Butterflies:
Raising caterpillars and later releasing them as butterflies is a popular grade school project; many remember it as a highlight from their elementary school science class! However, the significance of this process runs deeper: Bearing witness to this natural process serves as a valuable experience for our participants; they’ve learned about the animal kingdom and life science, but they’ve also learned the values of patience and responsibility, especially after weeks caring for these tiny class mascots.

Outside the classroom and into the community:
Another clear benefit of this project is that it potentially contributes to the local ecosystem and the beautification of the entire community. Butterflies are known as natural pollinators; they’re attracted to local plants and often collect pollen on their bodies. As they travel from plant to plant, the release of this pollen helps flowers, fruits, and vegetables to produce new seeds. This process of cross-pollination helps to create a rich environment throughout the community and even helps create biodiversity, as more flora also attract bees and birds.
Like these butterflies, we expect our young entomologists to make impacts of similar importance!