Children's Arts & Science Workshops, Inc.


Children’s Arts & Science Workshops Inc., (CASW) offers a comprehensive workforce program that works directly with New York City youth to prepare them for future career paths and opportunities. Through CASW’s guidance, youth are trained from the very basics of the resume writing process through navigating the complexities of their very first job interview. CASW has formed partnerships with several high schools throughout the Bronx and Manhattan to offer premier work-readiness programs. Utilizing these relationships, CASW partners with the Department of Youth and Community Development (DYCD) to lead project-based Summer Youth Employment Programs (SYEP), year-long Work, Learn, and Grow programs (WLG), the Ladders for Leaders initiative (LFL), and the Pathways program. Each year more than 4000 youth are served and obtain adequate employment opportunities, often opening doors to long-lasting and enriched placements.

Workforce STAFF

Julissa Figueroa

CASW-Workforce Director


About Julissa Figueroa

Over the past twelve years in the United States, Julissa steadily ascended from a  humble afterschool group leader to the Youth Workforce Director at Children’s Arts & Science Workshops, overseeing remarkable growth and success in the program. With a track record of cultivating partnerships, developing innovative programming, and inspiring teams, her blend of cultural sensitivity, customer service expertise, and business skills positions her to make an even greater impact on the lives of others, fueled by a drive for positive change and continual personal and professional growth.

Allison Rivas-Suarez

Workforce Associate Director/NYCHA

Anna Robin Isenstadt

Workforce Associate Director

Suzie Wise

Workforce Educational Coordinator

Juan Dominguez

Office Manager

Alyssa Gonzalez

Office Manager

Mauricio Grajales

Office Coordinator

Workforce news

Workforce OFFICE


347-270-3085/ 347-270-3086

1534 Boone Avenue Bronx, New York 10460