The month of November is here and with it, the season of gratitude begins. As Thanksgiving draws closer, we can’t help but notice an overall, festive mood around the agency. For many of our programs, this period ushers in a busy time; the holiday season usually brings a host of activities and celebrations for our participants, which most of our colleagues agree is equal parts exciting and hectic. Nonetheless, as we near the end of 2024, we think it’s a great time to take stock of the past year and express gratitude for our accomplishments as an organization.

2024 Highlights: Progress and Innovation at CASW
This year has been one of progress and innovation at CASW, as we’re proud to say that 2024 has brought many firsts: For example, our participants at PS/MS 37 participated in the Arm & Hammer Rocket challenge, our Bronx River Cornerstone program held skate lessons in partnership with Roller Dojo and Sk8swagnyc, and of course, we launched our brand new website!!! Furthermore, in addition to these new developments, we feel that our programs have done a phenomenal job at expanding upon previous initiatives; this summer thousands of SYEP participants worked as a part of CASW-Workforce, we helped start new environmental initiatives as a part of our “Love Nature, Love Your Block” campaign, and at several of our programs, students continue the finer arts of photography.

Empowering Youth: CASW’s Mission to Shape the Future
At CASW, we are lucky to have these amazing opportunities, but, on a deeper level, we feel especially grateful for the privilege of working with youth. We think of ourselves as an institution that is invested in the education of young people, but in addition to that, we firmly believe ourselves to be a part of a greater mission; the development of a creative, engaged, new generation. Therefore, we are most grateful to work with the leaders of tomorrow.