We’re only a month into the New Year, and already, we are already dreaming of summer!!! CASW-Workforce has been abuzz with this latest announcement: Summer Youth Employment Program 2025 applications are now open. If you’re a young person between the ages of 14-24, now is your chance to explore possible careers and gain paid work experience.

What’s in store for SYEP 2025?
As always, SYEP is a great opportunity for any young person in NYC to jumpstart their working lives. The program is designed to cater to different cohorts and give participants the experience necessary to achieve an effective summer job, where they’re able to earn and manage their own money. Younger applicants (ages 14-15) can engage in project-based initiatives that allow them to explore their areas of interest and make a real difference in their communities, whereas older youth (ages 16-24) work directly with a variety of employers throughout the city. All cohorts have the opportunity to receive instruction in financial literacy, and are even encouraged to manage their money by opening their own bank account, keeping track of the pay cycle, etc.

CASW: The Place to be for SYEP
Last summer, CASW was a provider for thousands of SYEP participants in the Bronx and Manhattan. If you’ve been following us on social media since then, you’ve probably seen images of our participants all around New York City. Whether it was working at summer camp, a community garden, or an office, it’s remarkable to see the variety of talents and perspectives our participants bring to so many institutions throughout NYC.
If you’re interested in being a part of the magic, click here to apply. Remember: Applications close on February 28th, 2025.